Our team includes Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapist Assistants, Speech Language pathologists. We strive our best to provide excellent patient care and address patient’s goals.
Physician’s offices, insurance companies or home health agencies can download our referral form here or fax us a referral to 214-230-2041. Patients can call our office line at 214-230-2040. We are accepting new patients. (Here will be a link to the resources page to download the form)
We are also accepting new contracts with Home Health Agencies, Adult Day Care Centers, Group Homes, Summer Camps to provide therapy services to their Pediatric and Adult clients/patients.
We continue to expand our coverage areas in the DFW, as our therapists continue to grow. We provide services to the Pediatric and Adult population.
Coverage Areas
We offer Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy services in the following counties:
- Collin County
- Allen, Fairview, Plano, Sachse, Wylie, Anna, Prosper, Frisco, McKinney, Farmersville, Blue Ridge, Lavon, Princeton, Lucas, Parker, Melissa
- Dallas County
- Denton County
- Ellis County
- Grayson County
- Hunt County
- Rockwall County
- Tarrant County